Associate Researcher

Academy for Multidisciplinary Studies   交叉科学研究院
Capitial Normal University   首都师范大学
Beijing, China



I am currently an associate researcher with Academy for Multidisciplinary Studies, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China. I graduated from Tsinghua University with a Ph.D degree in mathematics in 2018, under the supervision of Professor Stephen S.-T. Yau. My research interest mainly lies in Control theory and applications , Artificial Intelligence methods and their applications(Image, Radio Frequency Signal Processing).

时骥, 男, 首都师范大学交叉科学研究院副研究员, 硕士生导师。目前从事控制理论与应用、人工智能方法及其应用研究, 主持和参与多个国家级纵向科研项目和横向课题, 在SIAM Jour. Contr. Optim., IEEE TAC等国际知名期刊发表多篇高水平论文, 担任IEEE TAC, ACC, IEEE TMI等多个顶级期刊和会议审稿人, 为本科生和研究生讲授《线性代数》、《深度学习的数学基础与工程实践》、《数据挖掘与机器学习》等课程。

研究方向: 控制理论及其应用、人工智能方法及其应用(图像处理、射频信号[雷达、太赫兹]处理)


Work Experiences



指导多名硕士研究生,协助指导2名博士生,指导多名本科生毕业设计和科研项目, 其中1名本科生获得北京市自然科学基金支持。


  1. 关于高维非线性和带不确定性两类系统的非线性滤波方法研究, 2022-2024, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目[12101426], 主持.
  2. 强太赫兹场调控神经蛋白的动力学及信号分析研究, 2021-2024, 国防科技创新特区, 主要参与人.
  3. 开放环境智能辨识模型自适应学习技术, 2025-2027, 主持.
  4. 图像数据质量评价方法, 2024-2025, 主持.
  5. 太赫兹信号降噪处理研究, 2023-2025, 主持.
  6. 智能目标识别技术研究, 2019-2021, 参与, 结题.
  7. 深度学习中随机性、鲁棒性和可解释性研究, 2018-2020, 参与, 结题.
  8. 关于有限维非线性滤波分类和多项式滤波问题的研究, 2015-2018, 参与, 结题.


  1. Lianyuan Yu, Xiuzhen Guo, Ji Shi(#), Hongxiao Wang, Hongwei Li, GIGP: a global information interacting and geometric priors focusing framework for semi-supervised medical image segmentation, submitted for IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, under review.
  2. Xiuzhen Guo, Ji Shi(#), Lianyuan Yu, Jiangyuan Zhao, Hongwei Li, Na Lei, Rongguo Zhang, Tao Hu, Optimal Transport and Central Moment Consistency Regularization for Mean-teacher Semi-supervised 3D Medical Image Segmentation, submitted for IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, under review.
  3. Xiuzhen Guo, Lianyuan Yu, Ji Shi(#), Na Lei, Diff-CL: A Novel Cross Pseudo-Supervision Method for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation, submitted for Medical Image Analysis, under review.
  4. Xiuzhen Guo, Ji Shi, Zezeng Li, Lianyuan Yu, Na Lei, Hongwei Li, Rongguo Zhang, Tao Hu, Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Based on Local Consistency and Volume Constancy, 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Athens, Greece.
  5. Rongguo Zhang(#), Chenhao Pei, Ji Shi, Shaokang Wang, Construction and Validation of a General Medical Image Dataset for Pretraining, Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine, 2024.
  6. Fangxia Li, Zhixin Guo, Xiuzhen Guo, Yuhuan Jin and Ji Shi(#), Super-Resolution Enhancement of Terahertz Liver cancer images based on KernelGAN, to appear.
  7. Fangxia Li, Zhixin Guo, Xiuzhen Guo, Yuhuan Jin, Chenjie Ding and Ji Shi,(#) A novel single-image denoising approach for terahertz liver cancer images, to appear.
  8. Zezeng Li, Na Lei(#), Ji Shi, Hao Xue, Real-world super-resolution under the guidance of optimal transport, Machine Vision and Applications, 33(48), 2022.

  1. Xiaopei Jiao, Ji Shi and Stephen S.-T. Yau, Extended Direct Method: A Time-Varying Schr\"odinger Equation Approach for Infinite-Dimensional Yau Filters, submitted to IEEE TAC, under review.
  2. Ji Shi, Xiaopei Jiao and Stephen S.-T. Yau, A Novel Logarithmic Transformed Deep Galerkin Approach To Optimal Filtering Problem, 2024 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Milan, Italy, 2024.
  3. Ji Shi, Xiaopei Jiao and Stephen S.-T. Yau, DGLG: A Novel Deep Generalized Legendre-Galerkin Approach To Optimal Filtering Problem, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2024.3486650.
  4. Xiuqiong Chen, Xue Luo, Ji Shi, Stephen S.-T. Yau, General convergence result for continuous-discrete feedback particle filter , International Journal of Control, 2022.

  5. Ji Shi, Xiuqiong Chen, Stephen S.-T. Yau, A novel real-time filtering method to general nonlinear filtering problem without memory , IEEE Access, 2021.

  6. Ji Shi, Stephen S.-T. Yau, Finite dimensional estimation algebras with state dimension 3 and rank 2, Mitter conjecture , International Journal of Control, 2020.

  7. Xiuqiong Chen, Ji Shi, Stephen S.-T. Yau, Real-time solution of Time-varying Yau filtering problems via direct method and Gaussian approximation , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2019.

  8. Ji Shi, Xiuqiong Chen, Stephen S.-T. Yau, Higher order linear extended state observer and error analysis of active disturbance rejection control, Asian Journal of Mathematics, 2019.

  9. Wenhui Dong, Ji Shi, A survey of estimation algebras in application of nonlinear filtering problems, Communications in Information and Systems, 19(2): 193-217, 2019.
  10. Ji Shi, Zhiyu Yang, Stephen S.-T. Yau, Direct method for Yau filtering systems with nonlinear observations , International Journal of Control, 2018.

  11. Ji Shi, Stephen S.-T. Yau, Finite dimensional estimation algebras with state dimension 3 and rank 2, I: linear structure of Wong matrix, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2017.

  12. Ji Shi, Xiuqiong Chen, Wenhui Dong, Stephen S.-T. Yau, New classes of finite dimensional filters with non-maximal rank, 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Melbourne, Australia, 2017.


  1. 一种基于反卷积和克里金插值的太赫兹波谱成像方法 审查, 时骥,金玉环等.
  2. 一种半监督医学图像分割方法、装置、设备及存储介质 审查, 时骥,郭秀真等.


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